Charges for Activities, Clubs and Trips

Chargeable Trips for Academic Year


In order to provide certain activities and trips, it is often necessary to ask for a contribution towards the cost of the trip or activity that may include entry fees and coach travel. If adequate funding is not available, we may have to cancel the visit.  Please be aware that when parents are asked to contribute to an activity, the sum of money is calculated for your child only.  


No pupil will be excluded from an activity because his or her parents cannot or will not make a voluntary contribution. The opportunity to pay in instalments will be offered to parents who wish to pay in this way. Sometimes the school pays additional costs in order to support the visit, including the pupil premium.


It is our aim for parents not to pay more than £12 for a school trip which is not a residential trip. 


For parents that are eligible for Pupil Premium, the cost may be fully or partly covered by the bursary. If you would like to find out if your child is entitled to the bursary, please contact the school office for an application form.


Lunch Provision for children entitled to Free School Meals


Children who will be attending an external school trip are to entitled to a packed lunch provided by the school. This will need to be ordered via the school office at least three days before the date of the trip.

Schedule of Charges 



Charge £

School Dinner (lunch)

2.50 per day 

Breakfast /Activity

(with or without breakfast)

3.00 per day 


After School Clubs (up to 4:15pm)

(up to 5:00pm including combined clubs) 




5.00 per day

8.00 per day  (Tea available - included) * Children collected after 5pm (as per the St. Mary's clock in the school hall) will be subject to a £5 late collection fee

Guitar lessons

68.75 per term

Drum lessons

68.75 per term

Keyboard lessons

70.00 per term

School trips

Individually calculated

Year 5 Residential TripFull - 190     PPG Assisted - 60
Year 6 Residential TripFull - 250     PPG Assisted - 70
Pottery 24.00 per session

Christmas and Summer Production

Years 4, 5 and 6

5.00 per ticket


Cost of clubs provided by outside organisations


Charge per session £

Martial Arts

(per half term)


Southend United Football Club

(per half term)

21.00 booked online

24.00 paid by cash/cheque


5.00 or 6.00 depending on club


* Free swimming lessons are provided for children who do not meet the recommended 25m distance by the end of Year 6.


For further details on our clubs, click here