Day to day info Boston Avenue
Children are unsupervised before the start times, so we request that children do not arrive early and that parents wait for children to enter the school building before leaving.
Timings for the School Day from September 2021
Year | Start of Day | End of Day | Playtime |
Lunch times |
2 | 8:35am | 3:05pm | 10.20am – 10.35am | 12.15pm - 1.15pm |
3 | 8:30am | 3.00pm | 10.20am – 10.35am | 12.15pm - 1.15pm |
4 | 8:30am | 3:00pm | 10.20am - 10.35am | 12.15pm - 1.15pm |
5 | 8:20am | 2.50pm | 10am - 10.15am | 11.45am - 12.45pm |
6 | 8:20am | 2:50pm | 10am - 10.15am | 11.45am - 12.45pm |
To encourage independence, we ask parents to wait in the playground after school behind the ‘yellow line’ to allow staff to see children as they exit the classroom. When collecting your child we do ask you to leave the playground promptly as this helps us to identify any uncollected children. For children under 9 years old, parents are asked to complete a form advising the school as to who will collect the child each day.
If parents are not in the playground at the end of school, the teacher on duty will take any children awaiting collection to the main school office 10mins after the collection time. Should there be occasions when someone other than the named person comes for the child, the collecting adult will be required to sign a register held by the School Office.
In this case, the child’s Carer/Parent/s will ALSO need to be contacted by the school office to gain permission for the child to be taken by that adult PRIOR to the child leaving the site.
This may mean a phone call to the your place of work. If your “collecting arrangements” change during the school day because of an emergency or a situation that cannot be avoided, please call the school office well before the end of the school day. This will also apply to any nurseries, taxi drivers etc.
Assemblies usually take place every day, but in light of our Covid-19 Risk Assessment, these have changed:
Monday 10am Whole School worship (Mr Booth)
Tuesday 2.40pm Singing/Music (Mr Withams/Mrs Van Looy)
Wednesday 9.05am Church Service
Thursday 9:05am Years 2 and 3
2.40pm Years 4, 5 and 6
Friday 2.40pm Celebration assembly
For other special assemblies, Carers/Parents will be advised of the dates through ParentMail.