Day to day info East Street
The school gate opens at 8.40am
The hub will also be open from 8.40am
See Newsletters or New Arrangements and Timings September 2021.
Timings for the School Day from September 2021
Year | Start of Day | End of Day | Playtime | Lunch Times |
| 8.40am - 8.50am | 2.35pm - 2.45pm | Continuous outdoor provision (except for 10.45am -11:05am) | 11.30am – 12.10pm for two classes 11.50am – 12.30pm for two classes |
1 | 8.50am - 9am | 2.45pm - 2.55pm | 10.40am -11am
| 12.10pm – 12.50pm for two classes
12.15pm – 12.55pm for two classes
The school gate and hub will open at 8.40am. Start of Day from 8:40 am. End of Day: The gate will be unlocked from 2:35 pm. There is a signing out register. This is to safeguard your child so please ensure the adult collecting your child signs them out. Children can then be collected from the classroom.
- Reception: Please sign your child in on their class register which will be in the hub.
- Year One: Please sign in at the class entrance.
- There will also be a column on the register for you to add any variation in collection at home time. You may then settle your child in class. All children to be settled in class and parents to have left our site by 9:10 am. The formal bell and close of register will be 9:15 am; any child arriving after this time will have to be signed in via the school office and marked as late.
- School office: this will be open from 8:40 am to Midday. A member of staff will be on duty to answer any queries or take any messages. After this time, any phone calls need to be directed to our Boston Avenue site on: 01702 354012 and will then be forwarded onto us.
- Homework: At the start your child’s homework will be daily reading practice. In Reception there will be phonemes to learn/ practise each week and in Year One there will be spellings to learn each week for a test on Fridays. There will be a Reading Record in which you can comment on your child’s progress. Further information on this will follow.
- Snack: We will provide a daily snack of fruit with milk (in Reception) or water to drink each morning. Water is also available throughout the day.
- Water bottles: Only needed for Year 1. Labelled with your child’s name – water only, NO juice.
- Lunch: All children have school dinners. Menus are available from the school office.
- PE kits: Reception will only need trainers for the first half term. Year one will need indoor and outdoor kit in school. Children do not need plimsolls. Trainers are needed for outdoor PE.
- Spare clothes: Please could you provide your child with spare underwear and socks in a named bag just in case they have an accident during the day.
- Book bags: Reading book and reading records books need to be in school each day. Please check your child’s book bag regularly for letters or other correspondence.
- NO toys from home except if requested by teachers for topic work.
- Wellington boots: so your child can access the outdoors on rainy days.
- Please ensure all your child’s belongings are labelled.
- Parent Helpers: Anyone who would like to volunteer, please see your child’s class teacher. Just to make you aware, you will need to have a DBS check and an interview with a senior leader before you start.
- If there are any concerns regarding your child: if you speak to the class teacher as the first contact and if the matter is not resolved please speak to Mrs Cashell, if there is still an issue please make an appointment to see Mr Booth.
- Any questions please do not hesitate to ask myself or a member of staff.
- Please do not use your mobile phone on site, this is to safeguard our children.
With thanks for your support,
Mrs Cashell
Bikes and Scooters We have a secure area to store bikes and scooters but it is not covered