Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Early Years Foundation Stage
There are seven areas of learning and development within Reception which are all important and inter-connected. These are split into the Prime Areas and Specific Areas.
The three Prime Areas are particularly important as they build a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.
These are:
• communication and language
• physical development
• personal, social and emotional development
The four Specific Areas, provide children with the opportunity to develop more subject specific skills and knowledge. Through the development of these skills, the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The specific areas are:
• literacy
• mathematics
• understanding the world
• expressive arts and design
For more information about the seven areas of learning and how you can support your child's development, please see the Parent Guide available below:
At St. Mary's we support the development of skills and knowledge within all areas of learning by ensuring that all children have a wide variety of exciting opportunities to explore and discover within our indoor and outdoor learning environments.