Healthy Schools and Parents Support
St. Mary’s is a Healthy School and has been awarded
Healthy Schools Status for 2018
We achieved Enhanced Healthy School Status on two occasions in 2013 for work on Emotional Health and in 2015 for Equality and Diversity work. The Emotional Health and Well-being Project is our aim for 2018/19 academic year.
At St. Mary’s, we believe that all students deserve to have the opportunity to be physically, mentally, emotionally and socially healthy and to learn in an environment that enables them to reach their full potential.
The school setting is the ideal place to start and to make that connection. At St Mary’s, many things are in place to support this such as healthy, balanced school meals, a Nurture Base, a broad range of clubs and a focus on the well-being of all children and staff. We believe that healthy students are better learners, so we strive to embed this into all aspects of school life.
Depression can be treated – talking about it is the first step.
Teachers, doctors, employers, university staff – we reach the people who can spot when someone might be in trouble. Our training gives them the confidence to open a conversation and give vital first-line support. We talk direct to young people too, giving them the tools they need to stay mentally well.