More Able Pupils
The DfE and Ofsted definition of ‘More Able students’ are pupils who achieve or have the ability to achieve at a level significantly in advance of the average for their year group in their school. Nationally this is expected to be between 5-10% of each group.
At St. Mary’s, we will be identifying our most able pupils within each year group in order to provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs and abilities of all our children. We also look beyond actual progress to include those who may be underachieving or whose skills and knowledge may extend beyond the school’s measures of progress and curriculum. Exceptionally able pupils are those who have the capacity to achieve or perform at the very highest levels.
The school’s More Able Pupils Policy states how St. Mary’s aims to raise achievement and aspiration among all students by:
- Challenging and supporting the most able and to push the boundaries of what is possible.
- Recognising and celebrating high achievement.
- Developing appropriate teaching and learning styles.
- Ensuring differentiation in all teaching and learning programmes.
- Identifying, and keeping under review, a register of more able pupils.
- Provide an enrichment programme which is challenging and motivating.
- Developing and sustaining a high achieving learning ethos throughout the school.
- Raising staff awareness of the range of strategies available to them.
- Working in partnership with parents/carers to help them promote children's learning and development.
- Fostering a culture of achievement by creating a climate of learning and excellence throughout the school.
The Policy ensures that challenge exists for those pupils who are recognised as more able/or talented. As such, the school offers a range of activities that stretch pupils, both as extension activities within the classroom and as extra-curricular activities.
St. Mary’s is working toward obtaining the Challenge Award for the quality of its provision for the more able.
Mr Booth is the More Able Co-ordinator.