School Meals Menus
Packed Lunches
Due to some of our pupils having allergies, it is important that parents make sure that there are
NO peanut butter/peanuts or nuts of any kind are provided in your child’s lunchbox, as these allergies can become life threatening to some children,
NO sweets/chocolate bars i.e Twix, Kit Kats, Rocky’s, etc. in lunch boxes either, please and also
NO fizzy drinks, breakfast cereals or ring-pull tins of fruit or drinks. We thank you for your co-operation.
School Meals Price Increase from 1st January 2018
As from 1st January 2018, the price of a school meal will go up by 20p to £2.50 per day.
This is the first increase the Governing Board have had to make since April 2015 . We believe our school meals offer a balanced, varied and nutritious lunch, which is enjoyed by our children and we look forward to receiving your continued support.
Please send payment in with your to your child to be handed to their Class Teacher in a sealed, named envelope. Please mark the amount of meals and days for which they are required clearly if paying for more than one meal. All change will be carried forward as a credit. You are welcome to pay by cheque, which should be made payable to ‘St Mary’s School’ .
Please note - meals must be paid for on the day they are taken or in advance. If you are unable to pay for a meal, please send your child in with a packed lunch.